Health and Safety on Mission: Mitigating Safety Risks: A Personal and Professional Responsibility?

July 13, 2010 - 9:30am - 10:30am



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Safety concerns are central to all humanitarian work. The responsibility for personal safety lies both with individuals and the organizations they are working for and with. But how can humanitarian professionals mitigate risks and limit their exposure to violence while working in a violent area? How can individuals and organizations avoid being targets for violence? What are the procedures and systems that can ensure safety on mission, and what can individuals and organizations do to improve safety?

This session will open a discussion on both personal and systemic approaches to avoiding and mitigating safety risks involved in humanitarian work.

Stephen Morris, MD, Harvard International Emergency Medicine Fellow and Clinical Instructor Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard Medical School, and Claude Bruderlein, Director of the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR), will facilitate this discussion.

Expert Commentators:

Andrew Northover, Security Consultant, OPTARE Group

Christopher Finucane, Director, Humanitarian Policy, Ltd.

In partnership with:

The Federal Department for Foreign Affairs (FDFA) formulates and coordinates Swiss foreign policy on the instructions of the Federal Council. A coherent foreign policy is a precondition for the effective protection of Swiss interests vis-à-vis foreign countries.

Sida works according to directives of the Swedish Parliament and Government to reduce poverty in the world. The overall goal of Swedish development cooperation is to contribute to making it possible for poor people to improve their living conditions.