Humanitarian Assistance Webcast 3: From Mitigation to Prevention and Rehabilitation: The Changing Scope of Humanitarian Action

November 16, 2011 - 9:30am - 11:00am
Online, United States



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Humanitarians are continually charged with the reevaluation of their work based on the evolution of conflicts and disasters. No longer satisfied with simply providing relief in times of crisis, the frontier of humanitarian action has expanded to include not only life-saving assistance but also prevention and rehabilitation activities. However, this change in scope calls into question the classical distinction between relief and development programs, the core principles of humanitarianism, and how professionals conduct operations in the field.

This Humanitarian Assistance Webcast considered the following questions:

  • How do the core principles of humanitarianism apply to this changing scope?
  • What does it mean to be humanitarian and why is this description important?
  • To what extent are prevention and rehabilitation measures such as “Disaster Risk Reduction” (DRR) measures part of humanitarian assistance?

Additional Related Module: Humanitarian Principles Participants to the Humanitarian Assistance Webcast are invited to review a self-paced online module on the principles of humanitarian action as a preparation to the event. Tell us what you think afterwards on the ATHA Facebook page.

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The objective of the Advanced Training Program on Humanitarian Action (ATHA) is to enhance the knowledge of NGOs and other relevant actors operating in the humanitarian field, and to create greater awareness of the relationship between development cooperation and humanitarian operations in complex political emergencies.