Islamic Law and Protection of Civilians

June 17, 2009 - 9:30am - 11:00am
This Live Seminar examined the extent to which humanitarian professionals can use an Islamic legal framework to develop protection strategies in Muslim countries. It looked into the following questions:
What is Islamic law?
What are the sources of Islamic legal reasoning?
What does Islamic law have to say about war, violence and humanitarianism?
Which Islamic voices "count" as expressions of Islamic law and how should international NGOs and policy makers respond to them?
Does Islamic law give humanitarian professionals any tools for understanding and for negotiation?
It identifed and explored these questions and examined the place of Islamic law in the contemporary humanitarian landscape. Of particular importance was the relationship of classical Islamic law's attitude towards the conduct of hostilities to the attempts made on all sides today to speak in the name of Islam.
Naz Modirzadeh, Senior Associate at the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University hosted the discussion.
Panelists Included:
James Cockayne, Senior Associate, International Peace Institute
Mohammad Fadel, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toronto
Andrew March, Yale University
Joe Stork, Deputy Director, MENA Division, Human Rights Watch
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