Vera Sistenich

Research Associate

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Archived Biography: Vera is the Research Associate of HPCR's Study on the Role of Humanitarian Networks in the Dissemination of Innovations and Best Practices in the Humanitarian Sector. 
She is also a researcher at the Program on Human Rights and Development at the Harvard School of Public Health and a Teaching Associate at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.  Vera's background is in Emergency Medicine: she practices as a board certified specialist in Australia where her areas of interest are Aboriginal health, medical education and the development of physician training in the field of International Emergency Medicine.  Outside Australia, she has clinical experience in China, Nepal, Peru, South Africa, Vietnam and the UK.  She has also worked with asylum seekers at the Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre in the Australian Indian Ocean Territories.
Vera undertook her medical training (BMBCh) at the University of Oxford, UK, where she also gained a master degree (MA) in physiological sciences.  Thereafter, she completed her specialist training and became a Fellow of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (FACEM).  She holds a Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) from the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine.  She has a master degree (MPH) from the Harvard School of Public Health where her studies focused on humanitarian affairs, human rights and global health.

Last updated 10-04-2013