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Central Asia

January 2001 - March 2004

Now archived, HPCR's Central Asia project provided information resources and policy recommendations with the goals of addressing the origins of political tensions and promoting human security in Central Asia. A dedicated research portal was launched in October 2001.

In 2003, HPCR's Central Asia unit developed a targeted series of activities aimed at enriching the information environment in which legal reform decisions are made in Afghanistan by national institutions and the international community. Loosely structured around the constitutional reform process and the associated Loya Jirga, these activities included research and advisory services on legal reform, publication of a report on the legal reform process, and in-country consultations with concerned stakeholders.

This project expanded on the Program's previous research and policy initiatives on negotiating access in Afghanistan and elsewhere, on the implementation of international standards in Islamic environments, and on the role of non-state actors and armed groups in the protection of civilians.

Partnerships: U.K. Department for International Development; International Cooperation Group / Department of Justice Canada; Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway; Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission; Afghanistan Youth Center
Website: Central Asia Portal
Related Publications
Roundtable Report on Human Rights and Rule of Law: Constitutional and Legal Reform - Sep 2003 (PDF)
The Future of the Afghan Legal System: Perspectives from the Young Generation - Roundtable Report - Jun 2003 (PDF)
Afghan Legal Reform: Challenges and Opportunities - Jan 2003 (PDF)
Securing Communities for Reconstruction in Afghanistan: Final Report of the Conflict Prevention Initiative E-Conference - May 2002 (PDF)
Securing Communities for Reconstruction in Afghanistan: Views from Afghan community leaders in refugee camps in Iran - May 2002 (PDF)
Securing Communities for Reconstruction in Afghanistan: A Summary of Interviews and Discussions with Community and NGO Leaders - Apr 2002 (PDF)
Afghanistan: A New Era of Humanitarian Assistance - Mar 2002 (PDF)
Internal Displacement in Afghanistan: New Challenges - Jan 2002 (PDF)
Key Challenges for Recovery in Afghanistan - Jan 2002 (PDF)
The Role of Islam in Shaping the Future of Afghanistan - Oct 2001 (PDF)
Related Events
Roundtable on Human Rights and Rule of Law: Constitutional and Legal Reform - Jul 2003
Roundtable on the Future of the Afghan Legal System: Perspectives from the Young Generation - Feb 2003