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Setting Priorities for Preventive Action in Nepal

September 2000-April 2003

To focus attention on the underlying sources of conflict, HPCR developed a web portal to offer users reliable background on the social and political situation in Nepal. The site served as a forum for the exchange of information and analysis on the sources of social, political and economic insecurity in the region. In addition, organizations and specialists with relevant expertise were invited to deliberate on strategies for conflict prevention.

The portal incorporated a searchable database of links to critical reference materials, maps, and regional and international news sources on human security in Nepal. The database addressed such issues as governance, peacebuilding, economic and social development, human rights and humanitarian assistance. Following the declaration of a state of emergency in late 2001, the portal was expanded to provide broader coverage of the escalating conflict, including information on the Maoist insurgency and a significant body of governmental documents.

Partnerships: Department for International Development, U.K.
Website: Setting Priorities for Preventive Action in Nepal
Related Publications
Setting Priorities for Preventive Action in Nepal: Final Report of the Web Conference - Feb 2001 (PDF)
Related Events
E-conference on "Setting the Priorities for Preventive Action in Nepal" - Jan 2001