International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a private humanitarian institution based in Geneva, Switzerland. States parties (signatories) to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977 and 2005, have given the ICRC a mandate to protect the victims of international and internal armed conflicts.
Founded in 2002, the International Humanitarian Law Research Initiative sponsors original policy papers and networking tools with the goal of promoting new strategies for the protection of civilians. The IHL portal, in parallel with a series of high-level expert meetings, facilitates information sharing and research on key legal and policy challenges.
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Over recent years, the rapidly evolving nature of conflicts and complex humanitarian crises has not only deeply challenged, but also...
HPCR International announces the 8th Core Professional Training on Humanitarian Law and Policy to be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red...
Annual IHL course open to students and lecturers trained in public international law and to professionals dealing with IHL-related situations. Includes lectures on the 1949 Geneva Conventions and...
International Humanitarian Law and Current Conflicts: New Challenges and Dilemmas was designed to provide an opportunity for mid-career professionals to acquire and refine the necessary skills to...
The goal of this advanced training course was to provide participants with training opportunities tailored to meet the needs of practitioners and policymakers. UN, diplomatic staff, government and...