Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Sida works according to directives of the Swedish Parliament and Government to reduce poverty in the world. The overall goal of Swedish development cooperation is to contribute to making it possible for poor people to improve their living conditions.
The Advanced Training Program on Humanitarian Action (ATHA) is designed to enhance the knowledge and capacity of humanitarian NGOs operating in complex environments through training courses, policy support, networking and dialogue. The ongoing project cycle 2010-2013 is focused on the management of humanitarian assistance.
Past event partnerships
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In the year 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s population was living in urban areas. Cities have...
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A central tenet of international humanitarian assistance is to fulfill the needs of a population unmet by the state in time of crisis....
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As the Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) 2012 Report notes,...